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Discover Beyond Melbourne 2.0 is back

Updated: Oct 6, 2021

You may have heard?!

Yes we have relaunched BMAP 2.0!

Were you a key part of the creation of the original BMAP 1.0? You probably were, and how good was that experience?! Thank you so much! As an Intern or an Ambassador student.

Now it's time to use those skills you gained to pass on to the next generation and give others the same amazing life-changing experience that you had. Make new friends, new connections and improve your employability skills.

Due to COVID we've simplified it going forward. No more pre-trip face-to-face workshops. Just multi-day and single-day trips that bring us closer together - cos we all need that now more than ever!

No longer are we operating out of a School Camp Company for under 18's.

As planned, we are now our very OWN exciting International Education and Tourism Brand owned by Edutourism Melbourne Pty Ltd. We now have a sole focus on helping International and Domestic university-aged students with a mission to help you and many more International Students travel Beyond Melbourne.

We are back, bigger than ever! We have teamed up with Study Melbourne, and a new company Edutourism Melbourne and other funding partners - thanks to you and your teammates, we are able to make the next phase possible.

Going forward, we need fresh views, and ideas that we know you have to improve and make 2.0 better than ever! Get ready to pass the baton onto the students who are currently studying here and need our help, as well as showcase how great Victoria is as a place to study for those wanting to study here in the future.

If you were a part of BMAP 1.0 (the original) we need your help to transform that into what students really need going forward here - which is student owned and planned travel experiences in Victoria! Not Universities telling us what we have to do... We can finally choose. Going forward, even if you were able to consult or arm-length advise, because you are super busy and now have a full time job (not thanks to us) - that would still be welcomed and awesome!

But the best part is - Guess what? These trips are 90-95% subsidised! So if you've been struggling financially - it doesn't matter because we want to help you explore the most beautiful iconic outdoor locations in Victoria for pretty much Zero money! What?!?

Why? Because we have the most spectacular places to visit in the world and we have organisations and real people that care about current and former International students travelling Beyond Melbourne. Just like you do.

You might receive direct emails from us asking you to join BMAP 2.0 in creating the next chapter and positions we are hiring for.


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